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The Left is Fighting Mad!


Dear Friend,


The Left is fighting mad. With the help of their media accomplices, outraged liberals are unleashing a furious onslaught to put conservatives in their place.


You’ve probably heard there are some pretty far left challengers and I have one. Last week, there were many more voters in the Democrat Primary than in the Republican Primary, even in the 33rd House District!


My opponent protesting outside Rep. Comstock's office in Sterling


Many are angry, highly-motivated, and in full resist mode over the outcome of the presidential election. Their sometimes rabid rhetoric has little connection to the practical reality that keeps the country we all live in free and strong, but it has political power, and we will have to work hard to win this fall.


Please support my common-sense campaign!






We have a strong Republican majority in the Virginia House of Delegates, and we need to keep it that way. I am proud of what we’ve been able to accomplish on the Transportation Committee.


My first session, 2014, we fundamentally transformed transportation funding in a way that has allowed many more projects to be under construction right now.


In 2015, I passed a bill that required transit projects to undergo cost-benefit analysis instead of getting a head-start when competing against road projects.


This year, working closely with the Northern Virginia Chamber and AAA Mid-Atlantic, we passed the first resolution to amend our Virginia Constitution to protect Transportation funds. To complete this process of amending the Virginia Constitution, I'll work to pass this again in the legislature and then send it to voters in 2018.


Please support my campaign to stay on the job fixing transportation!



Meeting with VDOT staff about the Rt. 7 / Battlefield Parkway interchange project in Leesburg.

You know you can trust me to provide the Rock-Solid Leadership we need in Virginia. 













District Office:

P.O. Box 6
Hamilton, Virginia 20159
(540) 751-8364
Social Media:





Phone: 540-751-8364



Authorized and paid for by Dave LaRock for Delegate


Paid for and Authorized by Dave LaRock for Virginia
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