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LaRock Says McAuliffe Wrong on Economy and Pain-Capable Legislation

Yesterday, the AP reported Governor McAuliffe’s promise to veto Delegate Dave LaRock’s Pain-CapableUnborn Child Protection Act because, “…I am traveling the globe recruiting businesses to Virginia… If there's something that would be damaging toward business, and to our image around the country and the globe, I'll veto it, you bet I will."

LaRock responded by saying: “Governor McAuliffe seems to think he has discovered a nexus between late-term abortion and economic development. Concocting this connection with no supporting basis demonstrates his desperation as he tries to justify his extreme pro-abortion policy position, while deflecting attention from Virginia’s stagnant economy under his watch. A recent survey found almost two-thirds of Americans support the Pain-Capable Unborn Child Protection Act, including 67% of women and 78% of millennials. Meanwhile, with McAuliffe in the Governor's Mansion, Virginia’s annual economic growth has been below 1.5 percent; in 2014 we saw 0.2 percent economic growth, making us #48. Under McAuliffe, Virginia has dropped from 1st to 6th in Forbes' ‘Best States for Business’, and from 7th to 12th as rated by Chief Executive. Nor is the abortion issue key to international trade; in fact, PolitiFact Virginia in May 2015 rated “True” a claim that the U.S. is ‘one of only seven nations that allows elective abortions after 20 weeks post-fertilization.’”

According to the AP “…McAuliffe does not typically comment on proposed legislation until after it passes both chambers. But the governor said he needed to make clear to companies looking to invest in Virginia that the legislation had no hope of passage.”

“The sad truth is we have a governor who ignores the will of the people to cater to the radical abortion agenda of his second-largest campaign donor, Planned Parenthood, which has given over $2 million to McAuliffe. He is using business development as an excuse to justify an extreme policy position that is out-of-step with public opinion,” LaRock says.

The Pain-Capable Unborn Child Protection Act has passed in 15 states and the US House of Representatives. West Virginia recently passed their pain-capable bill with 2/3 of House Democrats voting in favor. It is also one of President-Elect Trump’s Pro-Life priorities.

Paid for and Authorized by Dave LaRock for Virginia
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