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How and When- End the Lockdown and Fully Reopen Virginia

After lots of listening and brainstorming…

I think we have a solid "Reopen Virginia" plan…

It will not fly unless there is widespread buy in from the public.


Dear Friend,

What is the plan?

I have drafted a letter to the Virginia Board of Health that gives a snapshot of an argument that correctly challenges Governor Northam’s Executive Orders and asks the Virginia Board of Health to take a couple of important steps.

First, under the law, the Virginia Board of Health is empowered to deal with health emergencies. That has not played out. Instead, just two men have taken control of every business, religious organization and household in Virginia; just two men, the Governor and the State Health Commissioner. That must end immediately.

I and Republican legislators are asking the Board of Health to be fully engaged and object to continuation of Public Health Orders 3 (as amended) and 5. These orders were issued by the State Health Commissioner under the purported authority of sections 32.1-13 and 32.1-20 of the Virginia Code. The Board of Health must effectively recall these orders along with all the contradictory, confusing, and inconsistent actions Governor Northam has imposed on the public. You can join us in signing on to the letter here.

Second, it may be necessary to go beyond the Board of Health to get relief. We have a very well thought out legal challenge cueing up. The argument is in place and we will be selecting plaintiffs and an attorney soon. This challenge can be filed around the Commonwealth by more than one injured person, business, or places of worship; the more the better.

How do we get back to something that resembles normal life?

You can help by sending us your story of how this lockdown has negatively affected your life by forcing you to miss out on something that could have taken place while taking reasonable precautions. Graduation, wedding, surgery, operating a business, and worshiping with your family are a few examples.

We will welcome contributions to offset legal expenses. Monies will be spent to spread this message and pay filing fees and other related legal expenses.


Soon, with your help. While things seem to be loosening up a bit, the Governor has been very unpredictable and hints at asking legislators to expand his executive authority. We would like to press forward now and block his efforts to draw this out for months or years.

What does success look like?

From the letter: “These orders override the efforts of businesses and citizens to move forward in responsible ways. Government guidance is helpful. Criminal penalties for vague, arbitrary and inflexible rules are not appropriate. We look forward to the board hearing from and providing relief for businesses and citizens so deeply affected by these orders. Working with the business community and providing citizen guidance is the appropriate role for the Board at this critical time. Businesses will seek guidance, and many may provide their plans and thoughts. Consultation is the proper approach, not impermissibly purporting to create law.”

Are you with us on this?

Additional Action Items:

  1. Sign my Petition to Re-Open Virginia and Loudoun
  2. Pastors - email me to sign onto the Religious Liberty letter


If you have questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to call or email my office at 540-751-8364 or You can also follow me on twitter @LaRock4Delegate or like my Facebook page to keep up to date.




Get in touch and stay connected:


District Office: P.O. Box 6, Hamilton, Virginia 20159 (540) 751-8364

Paid for and authorized by Dave LaRock for Delegate

Paid for and Authorized by Dave LaRock for Virginia
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