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Obamacare in Virginia

A recent top story on the Drudge Report is indicative of how much is at stake in this election. Delegate Candidate Kathleen Murphy, running on the other end of Loudoun County, proposed to make it a legal requirement for Virginia doctors to treat all Medicaid and Medicare patients.

Virginia already has a growing doctor shortage problem, and such an extreme law would significantly worsen the shortage. Patients and families need more, not fewer, healthcare choices. It's just the kind of big-government policy that my opponent Mary Daniel will push for in Richmond if she's elected. 

Today we’re learning that when President Obama misled the American people by saying, “If you like your health insurance you can keep it,” it was an intentional, calculated political move. A new story in the Wall Street Journal confirms what many assumed was true: President Obama knowingly misled the American people in order to pass Obamacare.

Americans have been lied to and tens of thousands of Virginians have had their health insurance plan cancelled this week, but Terry  McAuliffe, President Obama, and the rest of the Democrats don’t care. They can’t even get their insurance exchange website to work right. Medicaid is full of fraud and abuse, and the Democrats want to expand it here in Virginia! 

I will fight to oppose the implementation of Obamacare and Medicaid expansion here in Virginia. Medicaid is far inferior to free-market health care; some studies have shown better results for uninsured patients than those on Medicaid! Virginians deserve better, and I will work with other Republicans to present affordable, free-market solutions. 

Democrats like my opponent will spend our state off a fiscal cliff, and force thousands of families into sub-standard health care, in order to further their liberal agenda. She claims to be a fiscal conservative, but she was hand-picked by Democrat insiders to run in this race and will toe the party line.

We must tell them no, we won’t let them destroy our state budget and our health care. We must elect Dave LaRock to stand up to the Obama Democrats and their liberal agenda. Tell your friends about the importance of this election, and make sure they get out to vote for Dave LaRock. We need Dave in Richmond to stand up and speak out for common sense, protecting quality medical care in Virginia, and giving patients freedom to choose the care that works best for them.

Paid for and Authorized by Dave LaRock for Virginia
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